"Mexico's Howler Monkeys Dropping Dead As Heat Toll Mounts"

"COMALCALCO, Mexico - Threatened howler monkeys have been dropping dead from trees in Mexico's southeastern tropical forests in recent weeks amid a nationwide drought and heat waves that have sent temperatures soaring across much of the country.

In the state of Tabasco, where temperatures are forecast this week to surpass 45C (113°F), local media have reported up to 85 deaths, while local authorities have confirmed the trend without providing a death toll.

In a statement over the weekend, Tabasco's Civil Protection agency attributed the deaths to dehydration.

A source from the agency told Reuters on Monday that monkeys have been confirmed dead in three municipalities of the state.

In a forest outside Camalcalco, Tabasco, volunteers collected the corpses of mantled howler monkeys (alouatta palliata) that died from high temperatures, before placing buckets of water and fruit to try to stave off more deaths."

Luis Manuel Lopez and Raul Cortes report for Reuters May 20, 2024.

Source: Reuters, 05/22/2024