SEJ 2019 Election
The 2019 election will fill two Active-category seats and the Academic-category seat on the Board of Directors. All eligible seats are for three-year terms and are currently held by Active board members Gloria Dickie and Dennis Dimmick, and Academic board member David Poulson. None of the current board members listed will run for re-election.
Active members vote to fill Active seats; Academic members vote to fill the Academic seat. Associate members will vote in 2021. If you are unsure of your category, please check your SEJ member profile.
Instructions on how to vote will be sent to all members eligible to vote in this election. Members of SEJ who will not vote in this election — associate members, honorary members, new members joining after Sept. 6, and members in arrears with their dues as of Sept. 6 — will be notified about the election and why they are not on the voting list. See SEJ Election Policies.
A quorum of 10 percent of the present and absentee voters for each group is needed for the election to be valid, i.e., 10 percent of SEJ's voting Active members are needed for candidates in the Active election to be elected, and 10 percent of SEJ's voting Associate members are needed for candidates in the Associate election to be elected.
Please be sure to vote either absentee or on site at SEJ's 29th Annual Conference in Fort Collins, Colo. On-site voting will be held Oct. 11 at 3:30 p.m. in the Grand Ballroom of Lory Student Center at Colorado State University, 1101 Center Avenue Mall, Fort Collins, Colo. 80521.
Please note: according to SEJ policy, floor nominations are not permitted.
Active Category Election Notes:
2019 board election shortfall in the Active category
The Election Committee’s call for SEJ Board candidates for the 2019 board election yielded fewer active-category candidates than there are open board seats. We have two active member seats, but despite broad board outreach to potential candidates, only one chose to run. Read more from SEJ's president...
Why vote when only one candidate is running?
A quorum of 10 percent of voting Active-category members must be reached for the election to stand. If fewer than 10 percent vote, the person running will be appointed for one year and will then need to run again in the 2021 election.
If you believe this candidate would be your choice to serve on the board, please vote for the candidate. Otherwise, select "None."
Active Candidate:
Michael Kodas
Academic Candidates:
John Freemuth
Sara Shipley Hiles