Environmental Health

"Ban Wildlife Markets To Avert Pandemics, Says UN Biodiversity Chief"

"The United Nations’ biodiversity chief has called for a global ban on wildlife markets – such as the one in Wuhan, China, believed to be the starting point of the coronavirus outbreak – to prevent future pandemics."

Source: Guardian, 04/07/2020

EPA Threatens Legal Action Against Sellers of Fake Coronavirus Cleaners

"The Environmental Protection Agency warned Friday that disinfectants and sanitizers falsely claiming to protect against the coronavirus are flooding the market and threatened legal action against retailers that sell unregistered products."

Source: NY Times, 04/06/2020

Unprotected, Farmworkers Live in Fear of Covid-19 but Keep Working

"As Americans shelter in place across much of the country, washing their hands and making sure to stay six feet away from others, the farmworkers carpool on grocery runs. At day's end, most retreat to cramped, crowded quarters, sleeping several to a room."

Source: InsideClimate News, 04/06/2020

Tribes Have Highest Rates Of Diseases That Make COVID-19 More Lethal

"They hastily piled all the dumbbells and treadmills in the back of a gym to make room for 23 extra hospital beds. The beds aren’t needed yet, but on a reservation where residents suffer high rates of diseases that exist throughout Indian Country, the Lummi Tribal Health Clinic is taking every precaution to prepare for the deadly coronavirus."

Source: Washington Post, 04/06/2020

"Cleanup of US Nuclear Waste Takes Back Seat As Virus Spreads"

"The U.S. government’s efforts to clean up Cold War-era waste from nuclear research and bomb making at federal sites around the country has lumbered along for decades, often at a pace that watchdogs and other critics say threatens public health and the environment."

Source: AP, 04/06/2020

"U.S. ‘Wasted’ Months Before Preparing For Virus Pandemic"

"After the first alarms sounded in early January that an outbreak of a novel coronavirus in China might ignite a global pandemic, the Trump administration squandered nearly two months that could have been used to bolster the federal stockpile of critically needed medical supplies and equipment."

Source: AP, 04/06/2020


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