Water & Oceans

California and the Trump Administration Agree on Offshore Wind

"Under President Trump, the federal government and the nation’s largest state have clashed on a number of fronts when it comes to energy and environmental policy. But there’s at least one thing California and the Trump administration can agree on. Both want to erect wind turbines off of the state’s coast."

Source: Washington Post, 10/23/2018

"Trump Administration Wants Phase-In Of U.N. Rules On Maritime Fuel"

"The Trump administration wants pollution limits on ship fuels that a United Nations maritime agency will implement in 2020 to be phased in to protect consumers from any price spikes in heating and trucking fuels, a White House spokesman said on Friday."

Source: Reuters, 10/22/2018

"EPA Withdraws Proposed Obama-Era Rule Change For Uranium Mining"

"The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said on Friday it has withdrawn a regulation proposed in the last days of the Obama administration that aimed to tighten health and safety compliance rules for uranium miners."

Source: Reuters, 10/22/2018

Reporting from Iraq — with Both Camera and Notebook

In the first edition of a new SEJournal column — EJ InSight — we look at how one freelance print journalist took up the camera to diversify her skills and report a unique story from the marshes of Iraq. See a photo gallery of her images. Plus, multimedia efforts from other environmental reporters.

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