"Another Town Gripped By Fear Over Lead-Tainted Tap Water"

"Schools in Sebring, Ohio, have been closed for three straight days. The town says it was kept in the dark."

"SEBRING, Ohio — In a furor with echoes of the crisis in Flint, Michigan, parents in and around Sebring no longer trust the water coming out of their taps — or the explanations from community leaders — after learning just days ago that high levels of lead were detected in some homes over the summer.

Residents in the rural area of about 8,100 people near the Rust Belt city of Youngstown are demanding to know why they were kept in the dark for months. Children are being tested for lead poisoning. Schools have been closed for three straight days. Bottled water is being passed out. And state regulators are calling for a criminal investigation of the water plant manager.

"How long has this been going on and how much did we drink it?" Nina McIlvain asked Tuesday as she loaded bottled water into her car. "I'm sure there's more to it than we know.""

Mark Gillispie and John Seewer report for the Associated Press January 26, 2016.


"Ohio EPA Knew Of Lead Contamination In Sebring For Months" (Columbus Dispatch)

Source: AP, 01/28/2016