"Appropriators Send Bill Slashing EPA To Floor"

"The House Appropriations Committee on Thursday sent a bill slashing funding for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to the House floor for consideration on a 26-19 vote."

"The bill would cut the EPA budget by $1.4 billion.

The overall Interior, Environment bill would cut spending by $1.2 billion and it contains 31 riders, most of which limit the ability of the EPA to issue regulations. ...

The bill coming out of subcommittee included riders that limit EPA's power to expand the scope of Clean Water Act oversight, and prevent the Interior Department from toughening regulation of mountaintop-removal coal mining.

During a lengthy markup spread over two days, committee Republicans added 11 riders to the bill."

Erik Wasson reports for The Hill June 28, 2012.

Source: The Hill, 06/29/2012