"Bad Weather for 2050 as TV Forecasters Imagine Climate Change"

"Imaginary television weather forecasts predicted floods, storms and searing heat from Arizona to Zambia within four decades, as part of a United Nations campaign on Monday to draw attention to a U.N. summit this month on fighting global warming.

'Miami South Beach is under water,' one forecaster says in a first edition of 'weather reports from the future', a series set in 2050 and produced by companies including Japan's NHK, the U.S. Weather Channel and ARD in Germany.

The U.N.'s World Meteorological Organization (WMO), which invited well-known television presenters to make videos to be issued before a U.N. summit on Sept. 23, said the scenarios were 'imaginary but realistic' for a warming world.'"

Alister Doyle reports for Reuters September 2, 2014.

Source: Reuters, 09/04/2014