"Building Bike Commuters One Bike Lane at a Time"

"Bicycle commuting can improve health and mitigate climate change. But states are in neutral."

"It's that time of year: Bicyclists young and old are lubing chains and dusting off cheap supermarket bikes, top-of-the line Treks and everything in between.

A bike, of course, offers a way to get exercise, reduce your carbon footprint or just have fun. But biking activity, in large part, is driven by the pedaling opportunities available in your community. And just about no matter where you are in the United States, the opportunities available aren't going to change much in the near future, according to a cycling group's analysis.

"States are not planning to spend all that much on biking and walking over the next four years," said Ken McLeod, a legal specialist for Advocacy Advance, a partnership between the League of American Bicyclists and the Alliance for Biking & Walking."

Brian Bienkowski reports for The Daily Climate April 30, 2014.


"12 Things You May Not Have Known About Bikes, Bike Lanes, And Your Odds of Getting Hit By a Car." (Daily Climate)

Source: Daily Climate, 05/01/2014