"California's Struggle Over The Chemical BPA Continues"

"Californians this summer are starting to see a new warning at checkout lines of grocery stores, pharmacies and convenience markets that the products on their shelves may include a dangerous chemical.

But there's one problem: The signs don't tell them which products.

The chemical is bisphenol A, commonly known as BPA. California officials and a committee of experts have concluded that the chemical is a toxic substance harmful to women's reproductive health and should be added to the state's toxic chemical right-to-know law, enacted by voters in 1986 when they passed Proposition 65. While BPA has already been banned in sippy cups and baby bottles, it is used regularly in a variety of products."

Ramin Skibba reports for the San Jose Mercury News July 2, 2016.

Source: San Jose Mercury News, 07/04/2016