"China Leads As Green Energy Investment Plans Hit Record High"

"China helped push global green energy investment plans to record heights in 2015, offsetting a sharp fall in Germany, authors of a U.N.-backed report said on Thursday, predicting further growth.

Solar and wind power, especially in developing countries, are driving spending higher and last year for the first time renewables made up more than 50 percent of new electricity capacity plans, the Frankfurt School of Finance report said.

"The term 'niche product' no longer applies to renewables," said Ulf Moslener, professor for sustainable energy finance at the school and one of the report's authors."

Vera Eckert reports for Reuters March 24, 2016.


"Why This New Solar Market Could Be Set To Explode" (Washington Post)

"Seven Charts Show How Renewable Investment Broke Records In 2015" (Carbon Brief)

"Global Trends in Renewable Energy Investment 2016" (UNEP et al.)

"China Is on an Epic Solar Power Binge" (MIT Technology Review)

"Rooftop Solar Booms in Japan as Market Moves Beyond Rich Nations" (Bloomberg)

"Clean Energy Is Now Winning The Race Against Fossil Fuels — But The Planet Is Still Losing" (Washington Post)

Source: Reuters, 03/25/2016