Court Ruling Reopens Debate Over Delisting Yellowstone Grizzlies

"The Fish and Wildlife Service could be thinking twice about how it removed Endangered Species Act protections from Yellowstone-area grizzly bears, thanks to a critical court ruling on wolves.

In an unusual move, the agency is now effectively reopening debate on its controversial decision in July declaring grizzlies in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem to be a distinct population and removing them from the list of threatened or endangered species.

Already facing several lawsuits challenging the delisting decision, FWS in a notice issued today invites comments on whether the appellate court's reasoning in the August wolf-related case undermines the grizzly decision (Greenwire, Sept. 7)."

Michael Doyle reports for Greenwire December 6, 2017.

Source: Greenwire, 12/07/2017