"As Demand Rises, Ohio’s Steel Mills Shake Off the Rust and Expand"

"CANTON, Ohio — The Ohio steel industry, led by a drilling boom in the gas and oil industry and a resuscitated demand for cars and light trucks, is growing again. Steel makers across the state are racing to keep pace with plans to add a total of two million square feet of production space at a cost of $1.5 billion."

"At the Timken Company’s mill here on Faircrest Street, orders for steel from domestic and export markets plunged so low in May 2009 that the plant operated just four days that month.

Nearly three years later, with demand for steel soaring and the Faircrest mill operating around the clock, Timken has started building a $200 million, 83,000-square-foot addition that will increase the plant’s production."

Keith Schneider reports for the New York Times April 24, 2012.

Source: NY Times, 04/26/2012