"Evangelicals Rally for Mercury Rules"

"If you think about it too hard, you might be bothered by the fact that many 'pro-life' members of Congress are the same ones that want to gut environmental regulations that protect expectant mothers and their unborn children. Take, for example, the bill a House subcommittee passed on Wednesday that would block the EPA from implementing rules on mercury from cement plant smokestacks, as well as other toxic emissions. The legislators behind it claim to be pro-life, which has prompted the Evangelical Environmental Network to launch a new campaign taking those lawmakers to task."

"'Pro-life members of Congress should be doing everything they can to protect the unborn from this threat,' said Rev. Mitch Hescox, president of the Evangelical Environmental Network, in a press release. 'For the life of me, I can't understand why some are trying to block the EPA from regulating mercury levels when they know the unborn will pay the price.'

Their radio ads target Reps. Ed Whitfield (R-Ky.), Fred Upton (R-Mich.) and Joe Barton (R-Texas). They feature Rev. Tracey Bianchi, a minister from Oak Brook, Ill. and mother of three."

Kate Sheppard reports for Mother Jones September 15, 2011.

Source: Mother Jones, 09/16/2011