FDA Finalizes Draft Of Food Safety Rules To Prevent Foodborne Illness

"The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has finalized a set of groundbreaking food safety rules for produce farms and importable goods to strengthen its food safety system.

The new set of guidelines considered to be the regulatory body's initiative toward preventing different forms of foodborne illnesses. The new rules implement the bipartisan Food Safety Modernization Act. According to the FDA, it is an act which establishes the enforceable safety standards for produce farms and make importers accountable for verifying that imported food meets U.S. safety standards.

The finalized set of rules also outlines a provision for the third-party certification bodies or auditors. Such accredited bodies will be responsible for conducting an audit of foreign food facilities. The regulatory body said that the finalized rules will help farmers and importers prevent a problem before it can actually occur."

Guneet Bhatia reports for International Business Times November 16, 2015.


"FDA Finalizes FSMA Produce Safety Rule, Food Import Rules" (Food Safety News)

Source: International Business Times, 11/16/2015