"Glyphosate Persistence Raises Questions"

"The widely used weedkiller glyphosate persists in water and soil longer than previously recognised, and human exposures to glyphosate-based herbicides (GBHs) are rising, experts from various universities as well as environmental health and consumer groups have concluded in a new scientific review.

Field studies cited in the report show the half-life of glyphosate in soil ranges between a few days to several months, or even a year, depending on soil composition. The authors say the research demonstrates that soil sorption and degradation of glyphosate vary significantly depending on the soil’s physical, chemical, and biological properties.

‘The risk of long-term, incremental buildup of glyphosate contamination in soil, surface water, and groundwater is therefore driven by highly site-specific factors, and as a result, is difficult to predict and costly to monitor,’ they conclude."

Rebecca Trager reports for Chemistry World February 25, 2016.


"German Beer Purity In Question After Environment Group Finds Weed-Killer Traces" (Reuters)

"European Commission Plans To Relicense Controversial Weedkiller" (Guardian)

"How Much of the Most Common Weed Killer Are You Eating? The FDA Doesn’t Know" (TakePart)

Source: Chemistry World, 02/26/2016