Huge Pirate Tuna Fishing Operation Exposed in Pacific, Says Greenpeace

"A Taiwanese longline vessel caught with 75kg of shark fins near Papua New Guinea was only the ‘tip of the iceberg’ of operations driving a decline in tuna".

"Greenpeace claims to have uncovered a pirate fishing operation in waters near Papua New Guinea after spotting a Taiwanese ship that allegedly had 75kg of illegally caught shark fins and irregularities in its tuna catch logbook.

The group said similar cases were the “tip of the iceberg” of pirate fishing which had driven a sharp decline in tuna populations.

Activists from the ship Rainbow Warrior II boarded the tuna longliner Shuen De Ching No.888 on Wednesday and said they found it had no licence to fish in Pacific waters."

Joshua Robertson reports for the Guardian September 10, 2015.

Source: Guardian, 09/10/2015