"Obama And Modi Talk Climate in World’s Most Polluted City"

"NEW DELHI — In the world’s most polluted city, a layer of smog hangs over everything, thicker year after year.

Dirty exhaust pours out of the more than seven million cars clogging the streets. Smoke from the open fires built for heating and cooking fills the air. White plumes puff steadily out of tall towers at the coal-fired power plants.

Thus, it’s no surprise that after the United States and China, the world’s two largest carbon emitters, reached a historic climate change deal in November, attention quickly turned to the third: India.

After meeting here Sunday, President Barack Obama and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced a modest agreement on clean energy. It included a reduction in hydrofluorocarbons used as a coolant and an aerosol propellant, and an increase in solar and wind energy that India had already announced. The United States agreed to help finance solar energy production in India.

India did not announce a cut in carbon emissions."

Anita Kumar reports for the McClatchy Washington Bureau January 24, 2015.


"Obama Backs India's Solar Goals, Seeks Support for Climate Talks" (Reuters)

"Obama in India: PM Narendra Modi, Barack Obama Strike Alliance on Climate Change; Air Pollution, Renewable Energy Focus Areas" (Economic Times)

"Obama Clears a Hurdle to Better Ties With India" (New York Times)

"Narendra Modi Dismisses Calls for India To Match China's Climate Goal" (Los Angeles Times)

"Nothing Momentous in Modi-Obama Statement on Climate Change: Greenpeace" (Press Trust of India)

"On Obama’s India Visit, Climate-Change Deal Unlikely as Modi Boosts Coal Production" (Washington Post)

"Fact Sheet: U.S. and India Climate and Clean Energy Cooperation" (White House)

"U.S. And India Announce ‘Cooperation’ On Climate Change" (Climate Progress)

"U.S. And India Announce New Ties On First Day Of Obama's Trip" (NPR)

"U.S. And India Make Climate Change Announcement On First Day Of Obama's Trip" (NPR)

"Modi Shifts on Climate Change With India Renewables Goal" (Bloomberg)

"Obama's India Visit: Hopes for Clean Energy And Climate Deals" (Guardian)

Source: McClatchy, 01/26/2015