"Poll: Most Americans Think a Nuclear Accident Likely Here"

"WASHINGTON — Most Americans fear that the United States someday could face the kind of nuclear emergency that's plagued Japan in recent weeks, according to a new McClatchy-Marist poll.

"There's clearly a good deal of concern, and there's division about whether we're suited to handle this," said Lee Miringoff, the director of the Marist Institute for Public Opinion in New York, which conducted the survey. ...

The McClatchy-Marist survey found that a solid majority of Americans — 57 percent — think that a nuclear crisis is probable here; 41 percent thought such a crisis was likely, while another 16 percent said it was very likely.

Far fewer think it's not going to happen; 31 percent said it wasn't very likely, while 9 percent said it wasn't likely at all."

David Lightman reports for McClatchy Newspapers April 26, 2011.


"In Nuclear Accident, Risks Extend Beyond Evacuation Zone" (McClatchy)

"U.N.'s Ban To Convene Nuclear Safety Summit In September" (Reuters)

"Authorities Try To Get Their Story Straight Over Fukushima" (Asahi Shimbun)

"Culture of Complicity Tied to Stricken Nuclear Plant" (New York Times)

Source: McClatchy, 04/27/2011