Reality: A Soaring Population. Reality Check: Food, Water and Poverty

"Monday marks the birth of the world’s seven billionth baby, according to the United Nations. In all likelihood, that child will probably take its first breaths in a city in a developing country, where projections say the majority of new children will be born."

"Thomas Malthus, an English scholar, painted a gloomy picture in 1798 when he wrote that unchecked population growth would condemn us to widespread starvation. 'The power of population is indefinitely greater than the power in the earth to produce subsistence for man,'he said."

Tamara Baluja reports for the Toronto Globe and Mail October 30, 2011.


"World Population Hits 7 Billion in Record Time" (USA TODAY)

"Cheers And Fears as World Population Hits 7 Billion" (AFP)

"World's 'Seven Billionth Baby' Is Born" (Guardian)

Source: Toronto Globe & Mail, 10/31/2011