"Science Confirms 2014 Was Hottest Yet Recorded, On Land And Sea"

The year 2014, the latest for which complete global data are available, was the hottest ever recorded on land and on sea. The signature lower-atmosphere warming indicates the cause is manmade greenhouse emissions.

"For the past quarter-century, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has been gathering data from more than 400 scientists around the world on climate trends.

The report on 2014 from these international researchers? On average, it was the hottest year ever — in the ocean, as well as on land.

Deke Arndt is a climate scientist with the agency and an author of the State of the Climate in 2014, released Thursday. It's the lower atmosphere that's warming, not the upper atmosphere, he points out — just as the total of greenhouse gases in the lower atmosphere continues to increase. That's not a coincidence."

Christopher Joyce reports for NPR's Morning Edition July 17, 2015.


"2014 Was Hottest Year on Record, New NOAA Report Confirms" (Weather Channel)

"Warming of Oceans Due To Climate Change Is Unstoppable, Say US Scientists" (Guardian)

"2014 State of the Climate: Highlights" (NOAA)

Source: NPR, 07/17/2015