"Slimmer Majority of Americans Champions Renewables, Poll Finds"

A new poll shows that U.S. public attitudes toward energy are changing.

"The partisan battle over the cause of the increase in gasoline prices has escalated as the average price of a gallon has crept closer to $4, with Republicans accusing President Obama for investing too much in alternative sources of energy at the expense of conventional fuels and Democrats blaming geopolitics and instability around the Persian Gulf.

Now comes a survey from the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press suggesting that more Americans may be moving toward the Republican way of thinking on conventional energy.

A majority of Americans still view developing alternatives like solar, wind and hydrogen power as more important than increasing production of oil, coal and natural gas, the survey found. But that majority has narrowed markedly from a year ago, the Pew poll showed. In the study, conducted this month, 52 percent of the 1,503 adults surveyed deemed developing alternative sources as the more important priority in meeting the nation’s energy needs. Thirty-nine percent said that expanding exploration and production of conventional sources was more important.

A year ago, 63 percent said alternative energy development was more important while 29 percent favored oil, coal and gas."

Diane Cardwell reports for the New York Times' Green blog March 19, 2012.


"As Gas Prices Pinch, Support for Oil and Gas Production Grows" (Pew Research Center for People and the Press)

Source: Green (NYT), 03/20/2012