"From Social Welfare Groups, A River Of Political Influence"

If you are a fly-fisher, you may go to Michigan's Au Sable River to get away from it all. But you can't get away from the pollution funded by secret money in American politics. NPR turns over some rocks.

"Bruce Pregler walks down the slope from his cabin, eases into the Au Sable River and casts his line, and fishing takes his thoughts away from his downstate law practice.

He stands in the flowing water, holding his fishing rod, and gazes at the river around him. "You can't look at it from the bridge or a lodge,' he says of the Au Sable, one of Michigan's prime spots for trout fishing. 'You need to float it, walk it, wade it, fish it, enjoy it. And my wife and I thought so highly of it, we had our daughter baptized right here at this spot.'

But the Au Sable represents more than just Michigan fly fishing at its best. As Pregler knows, it's also a setting that reveals powerful and secretive new influence in American political campaigns."

Peter Overby, Viveca Novak, and Robert Maguire report for NPR's Morning Edition November 5, 2013.

Source: NPR, 11/05/2013