"U.S. Negotiators Work on Treaty That May Never Pass Muster at Home"

"DOHA, Qatar -- The Senate's rejection yesterday of a treaty to extend rights to disabled people internationally does not bode well for a climate change treaty, observers here said today as the clock began to wind down on this year's U.N. climate talks."

"The disabilities treaty failed to garner the two-thirds majority it needed despite a dramatic appearance on the floor by 89-year-old former Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole of Kansas, who urged senators to support the measure.

The talks that end this weekend are not expected to produce a treaty binding the United States and other countries to carbon reductions and climate aid contributions. Most delegates here hope that will happen in 2015. But three years does not seem like enough time to produce the sweeping change in the Senate that would be required for ratification."

Jean Chemnick reports for Greenwire December 5, 2012.


"Saudi Arabia Sees Need To Act on Climate Change" (Reuters)

"China Pledges $56 Billion To Cut Air Pollution" (Reuters)

"Typhoon-Hit Philippines Seeks Action at Doha Climate Talks" (DNA India)

"India Fighting To Salvage Equity in Doha Climate Talks" (Zee News India)

"Doha Climate Conference Diary: Monckton V Camel" (Guardian)

"'Big Shift' Seen in US Position at Doha Climate Talks" (Sydney Morning Herald)

Source: Greenwire, 12/06/2012