
April 17, 2015

Apr 17, 2015 Sacramento: Big Think for SEJ 2016

Sacramento’s Capital Public Radio, in partnership with UC Davis, is hosting SEJ’s 2016 annual conference and we’re reaching out to our Northern California members to help us start shaping the agenda. Please join us 3:00-5:00 p.m., Friday, April 17, 2015, in Sacramento, for a conversation with regional leaders about the most pressing environmental issues of the day.

Topics on the Beat: 

Florida's Unspeakable Issue Leaves Climate Change Official Tongue-Tied

"The latest victim of Florida governor Rick Scott’s unwritten ban on state officials using the words “climate change” is his own disaster preparedness lieutenant, who stumbled through verbal gymnastics to avoid using the scientific term in a newly surfaced video."

Source: Guardian, 03/24/2015

Finding Heightens Concern Over Tiny Bits Of Plastic Polluting Oceans

"Scientists are looking for -- and finding -- little bits of plastic in a lot of places lately: ice cores, deep sea sediments, coral reefs, crab gills, the digestive system of mussels, even German beer. Now, new research suggests they need not actually be searching for the man-made material to discover it."

Source: Huffington Post, 03/24/2015


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