
EPA Warns Of Increasing Cyberattacks On Water Systems, Urges Immediate Action

"Cyberattacks against water utilities across the country are becoming more frequent and more severe, the Environmental Protection Agency warned Monday as it issued an enforcement alert urging water systems to take immediate actions to protect the nation’s drinking water."

Source: AP, 05/21/2024

"Texas Hack May Be First Disruption Of U.S. Water System By Russia"

"In January, an alert citizen in Muleshoe, Tex., was driving by a park and noticed that a water tower was overflowing. Authorities soon determined the system that controlled the city’s water supply had been hacked. In two hours, tens of thousands of gallons of water had flowed into the street and drain pipes."

Source: Washington Post, 04/18/2024

"Spate of Mock News Sites With Russian Ties Pop Up in U.S."

"Into the depleted field of journalism in America, a handful of websites have appeared in recent weeks with names suggesting a focus on news close to home: D.C. Weekly, the New York News Daily, the Chicago Chronicle and a newer sister publication, the Miami Chronicle. In fact, they are not local news organizations at all. They are Russian creations, researchers and government officials say, meant to mimic actual news organizations to push Kremlin propaganda by interspersing it among an at-times odd mix of stories about crime, politics and culture."

Source: NYTimes, 03/12/2024

Oil Spill And Fertilizer Leak From Sunken Cargo Ship Threaten Red Sea

"A vibrant fishing industry, some of the world’s largest coral reefs, desalination plants supplying millions with drinking water. They’re all at risk from large amounts of fertilizer and oil spilled into the Red Sea by the sinking of a cargo ship attacked by Yemen’s Houthi rebels."

Source: AP, 03/04/2024

"US Warns Of Environmental Disaster From Cargo Ship Hit By Huthi Rebels"

"A cargo ship abandoned in the Gulf of Aden after an attack by Yemeni rebels is taking on water and has left a huge oil slick, in an environmental disaster that US Central Command said Friday could get worse."

Source: AFP, 02/26/2024


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