"Pomp, Little Action Expected At UN Climate Summit"

"WASHINGTON — New York City will be full of planet-saving pomp this coming week, but short on action to rescue the world.

More than 120 world leaders convene Tuesday for a U.N. summit aimed at galvanizing political will for a new global climate treaty by the end of 2015. ...

Yet whatever happens at the U.N. summit is unlikely to bring the Earth closer to a goal set in Copenhagen: Preventing Earth's temperature from rising more than 2 degrees Fahrenheit (1.2 degrees Celsius) from where it is now. ...

Rather than firm commitments from closed-door negotiations, the summit is expected to jumpstart a series of much publicized initiatives and partnerships. Six oil companies will join with governments and environmental advocacy groups to slash methane leaks from the production of natural gas. There will be a massive commitment to combat deforestation. There will be initiatives announced to clean up agriculture and make freight shipments greener."

Dina Cappiello reports for the Associated Press September 20, 2014.


"U.N. Climate Summit Is High-Profile, But Some of World’S Most Important Leaders Will Skip It" (Washington Post)

"Why the UN Climate Summit Will Have a Hard Time Doing Anything" (Christian Science Monitor)

"International Summit Just a First Step on Climate Change" (Los Angeles Times)

Source: Reuters, 09/23/2014