SEJ Funding Sources — Support Hard-Hitting Environmental Journalism



Thank you for

supporting SEJ!





These are important times for environmental journalism. Washington has been taken over by an administration that works to reverse environmental regulations and has been openly hostile to journalists and journalism. We need your support to ensure that the Society of Environmental Journalists can continue its important work supporting hard-hitting environmental reporting. As a nonprofit, we rely on your donations to help us make that work possible. Can you make a gift now? Please give generously and share SEJ's donor link with your followers today: Now more than ever, you make the difference!

Your generous gifts, provided by SEJ founders, members and friends, university hosts of SEJ annual conferences and media company sponsors, support SEJ’s lively network of journalists, students and educators worldwide. You power news-making  conferences, training and tours, publications, awards, story grants and Freedom of Information WatchDog project. Please also consider SEJ in your estate planning.

Environmental coverage is keeping the change. Thank you.


Current and Recent Funding Sources:


SEJ 2024 Gifts From Individuals*


Jay Letto


Thomas Minka 


William Kistner  |  Kathiann Kowalski (in memory of Bethany Meissner)  |  Oscar Mace  |  Meg McGuire  |  Rico Moore  |  Annie Ropeik  |  Luke Runyon  |  Michael Warren


Eli Flournoy (in memory of Peter Dykstra)  |  Carrie Freeman (in memory of Peter Dykstra)  |  Nancy Grossman (in memory of Lizzie Grossman)  |  Meagan Jeanette  |  Leonore Lakshmanan  |  James Werner (in memory of Peter Dykstra)


Host and Sponsors of #SEJ2024, 33rd Annual Conference, April 3-7


University of Pennsylvania logoConference Host

Visionary Sponsor

Fellowships Sponsor

Good Morning Sponsor

Hospitality Sponsor

Exhibit Sponsor

Workshop Sponsor


SEJ 2024 Program and Operating Grants




SEJ 2023 Gifts From Individuals*


Laura Turner Seydel  |  anonymous via American Endowment Foundation


Jennifer Bogo  |  Sara Hiles  |  Damon Horn and Meaghan Parker  |  Jay Letto  |  Thomas Minka  |  Rennie Saunders


Tony Barboza  |  Kathiann Kowalski  |  Gregory Pasztor  |  William Walkey  |  Nadia White


Sadie Babits  |  Margie Bauman  |  Glenda Booth  |  Sara Bowen  |  Sara Edelson  |  Dan Fagin  |  Kathie Florsheim  |  Jacob Frank (in honor of Ian Morse) |  Meagan Jeanette  |  Stuart Leavenworth  |  Rebecca Leber  |  Rico Moore  |  Bruce Ritchie  |  Luke Runyon  |  David Sassoon  |  Mark Schapiro  |  Humphry Smith  |  Meera Subramanian  |  The Todd Family  |  Beth Ward (in honor of Tony Barboza)  |  Michael Warren  |  Timothy Wheeler  |  anonymous via Fidelity Charitable


Debra Atlas  |  Jay Austin  |  Dillon Bergin  |  Jericho Burg  |  Russell Clemings  |  Arnold Eiser  |  Peter Fairley  |  Sharon Friedman  |  Adam Glenn  |  Gloria Gonzalez  |  Nancy Grossman (in memory of Lizzie Grossman)  |  Michael Halpern  |  Erin Jordan  |  Cheryl Katz  |  Michael Keating  |  Melody Kemp  |  Michael Kodas  |  Sarah Koenigsberg  |  Leonore Lakshmanan  |  Cindy MacDonald  |  Robert Magill  |  Meg McGuire  |  Karla Mendes  |  Mary Miller  |  Lisa Morse (in memory of Lizzie Grossman)  |  Beth Parke  |  Susan Peirce  |  Sharon Roth  |  Ronald Savage  |  Mark Schapiro  |  Muriel Strand  |  Amanda Vail  |  Roger Witherspoon  |  anonymous  |  anonymous via Zwilliams Fund


Host and Sponsors of #SEJ2023, 32nd Annual Conference, April 19-23


Boise State University logoConference Host and Visionary Sponsor








SEJ 2023 Program and Operating Grants


SEJ 2023 Unrestricted Gifts From Any Source


Ronin International Limited




Past Supporters


*   The gifts from individuals do not include names of those who requested anonymity.

You may support SEJ in its mission — to strengthen the quality, reach and viability of journalism across all media to advance public understanding of environmental issues — by making a tax-deductible donation.




Alternatively, donors with a Donor Advised Fund can initiate a grant recommendation directly from our website.



Programs and operations of the Society of Environmental Journalists are funded by foundation grants in response to SEJ proposals, media company contributions, earned income, university, media company and foundation sponsorship of the annual conference, occasional regional events, individual donations, and unrestricted contributions of general support up to $15,000 from diverse sources.


SEJ does not seek or accept corporate, advocacy group or government sponsorship of the annual conference. Diverse sources participate in SEJ's annual conference as advertisers, exhibitors and hosts of independent hospitality events. These activities do not designate or constitute program sponsorship. All program agenda choices, editorial choices for publications, winner decisions for fellowships, awards and mini-grant winners are made at the sole discretion of SEJ staff and volunteer program leaders, independent of any organizational revenue source, including foundation underwriters, individual donors, advertisers, exhibitors, and university and media company hosts of annual conferences. For more information on policies of the Society of Environmental Journalists, see

Many foundation grants to SEJ are awarded as general support. Grants received by SEJ for specific projects are based on proposals that originate from SEJ's executive director, with guidance from the Board of Directors. Sources of earned income for the organization include conference registration fees, conference exhibitors, IHEs, and advertisement fees, membership dues, mail list rental, and subscription fees.

As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, SEJ files an annual Form 990 with the Internal Revenue Service. The public may also view a copy of the most recent independent audits of SEJ's finances here. In addition, SEJ maintains a current profile on Candid/GuideStar and the Charity Directory (formerly, Foundation Source Access).