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"Why ‘Climate Havens’ Could Be Closer to Home Than You’d Think"

"According to a recent survey, nearly a third of Americans named climate change as a motivation to move.Some are headed to “climate havens,” the places experts say will be relatively pleasant to live in as the world heats up, like Duluth, Minnesota; Ann Arbor, Michigan; and Burlington, Vermont."

Source: Grist, 11/22/2023

Researchers, Farmers, Brewers Want To Safeguard Beer Against Climate Change

"On a bright day this fall, tractors crisscrossed Gayle Goschie’s farm about an hour outside Portland, Oregon. Goschie is in the beer business — a fourth-generation hops farmer. Fall is the off-season, when the trellises are bare, but recently, her farming team has been adding winter barley, a relatively newer crop in the world of beer, to their rotation, preparing barley seeds by the bucketful."

Source: AP, 11/14/2023
