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New Fire Plan Proposed, Old One Not Quite Working Yet

On Aug. 13, 2001, President Bush and Interior Sec. Norton endorsed a 10-year fire plan proposed by the Western Governors Assoc. that would grant Western states and localities more discretion in preventing and fighting wildfires.

SEJournal Summer 2008, Vol. 18 No. 2

In this issue: The politics of polar bears; Photographers "rave" about conservation...for the complete hotlinked table of contents, click on the journal cover.


SEJournal Spring 2007, Vol.17 No. 1

In this issue: Developing credibility is key in local nuclear-plant coverage; Web publication uses data to tell complex air-toxics story...for the complete hotlinked table of contents, click on the journal cover.


SEJournal Spring 2005, Vol. 14 No.4

In this issue: A FOIA state of mind; "In Harm's Way" details Houston's air-pollution problem...for the complete hotlinked table of contents, click on the journal cover.


SEJournal Spring 2003, Vol. 12 No. 4

In this issue: 'Not a blade of grass grew': an account of a 1948 environmental disaster; Are we fooling ourselves?...for the complete hotlinked table of contents, click on the journal cover.

Another Nail in the MTBE'S Coffin?

On Aug. 7, 2001, the New England Governors Conference weighed in on the debate over MTBE and ethanol, sending a resolution to Congress asking it to drop rules under the Clean Air Act.
