Freelancers Legal Issues Workshop
Sallie Randolph and Bill Funk
9:00 a.m. - Noon, October 6, 2018
Room 2337, Riverfront Conference Center
Pre-registration is required for this session.
Is it OK to post an Ansel Adams picture of Yosemite Falls on my website? How do I protect my idea for a book I’m researching? Is it a good idea to sign a confidentiality contract with a well-known environmental activist who wants me to ghost write his book for a 50% share of the profits?
The answer to all these questions and many more is a definitive “It depends.” The legal landscape for authors, writers, journalists and freelancers is painted in many shades of gray.
“Freelancers Legal Issues Workshop” is a special double session to be presented by publishing lawyer Sallie Randolph and environmental lawyer Bill Funk. Sallie is a journalist turned lawyer and Bill is a lawyer turned journalist. In a program moderated by Bill, Sallie will cover a variety of legal issues faced by working writers. The session is limited to 25 participants and pre-registration is required. Registrants may suggest topics and send general questions ahead of time so that the presenters can customize the session to the needs of the participants.
We’ll explore the legal problems faced by freelancers as they navigate the changing landscape of publishing today — from periodicals to books, from scholarly journals to tabloid weeklies, from academic presses to self-publishing. How can today’s writers navigate through the prospects and pitfalls of 21st century publishing?
Session Schedule
Basics of Contracts and Copyrights
10 minute break
Publishing Pitfalls and Perils
10 minute break
Navigating through a publishing landscape painted in shades of gray
10 minute break
Questions and Answers
How to Register
To sign up for this session, send an email with your full name, along with topics you would like covered in this session and any particular questions you'd like answered, to Cindy MacDonald,