Diseases Spread By Ticks, Mosquitoes And Fleas Tripled In Us Since 2004

"The warmer weather of spring and summer means the start of tick and mosquito season and the diseases they transmit, including Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, West Nile and Zika.

A new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has found that illnesses from mosquito, tick and flea bites more than tripled in the United States from 2004 to 2016.

The report, released Tuesday, shows that the number of reported cases of these diseases jumped from 27,388 cases in 2004 to more than 96,000 cases in 2016. The data includes illnesses reported in U.S. states and territories. During that period, more than 640,000 cases of these diseases were reported to the CDC."

Lena H. Sun reports for the Washington Post May 1, 2018.


"Zika, Lyme Drive Big Increase In Bug-Borne Disease in U.S." (NBC News)

"Tick, Mosquito-Borne Infections Surge in United States: CDC" (Reuters)

Source: Washington Post, 05/02/2018