Lima Climate Talks Best Chance for a Generation, Say Upbeat Diplomats

"UN climate negotiations opening in Lima on Monday have the best chance in a generation of striking a deal on global warming, diplomats say.

After a 20-year standoff, diplomats and longtime observers of the talks say there is rising optimism that negotiators will be able to secure a deal that will commit all countries to take action against climate change.

The two weeks of talks in Peru are intended to deliver a draft text to be adopted in Paris next year that will commit countries to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions without compromising the economic development of poor countries."

Suzanne Goldenberg reports for the Guardian November 30, 2014.


"Clock Ticking, U.N. Climate Talks Resume in Lima" (AP)

"U.N. Climate Deal Possible, Though Experts Warn It Still Won’t Stop Warming" (Dallas Morning News)

"Optimism Faces Grave Realities at Climate Talks" (New York Times)

"Climate Change Adaptation Comes of Age in U.N. Talks: TRFN " (Thomson Reuters Foundation)

"As Climate Talks Open, Human Rights Issues Take the Spotlight" (Daily Climate)

"Social Injustice Dogs Two Promising Climate Solutions" (Daily Climate)

"Lima Climate Talks Spark Rare Optimism As World Prepares New Push For Action" (AP)

"Climate Funds for Coal Highlight Lack Of UN Rules" (AP)

Source: Guardian, 12/01/2014