"Nuclear: Pa. Braces For Impact As Three Mile Island Nears Closure"

"LONDONDERRY TOWNSHIP, Pa. — With the clock ticking for nuclear plants around the country, the noise is especially loud here at Three Mile Island.

Employees at the Pennsylvania reactor, some of whom have already left and many more of whom are worried about their futures, hear it.

So does the small community that contains the plant, which is facing likely service cuts and tax increases if Three Mile Island closes.

And the ticking is in the ears of executives at the plant's operator, Exelon Corp., which is facing economic pressure on all of its nuclear plants around the country and scrambling to find policy fixes anywhere it can: state, federal, legislative, market-based."

Sam Mintz reports for EnergyWire August 2, 2018.

Source: EnergyWire, 08/03/2018