"A Third Of Americans Are Already Facing Above-Average Warming"

"Temperatures in 499 counties across west, northeast and upper midwest US have already breached 1.5C (2.7F)".

"More than a third of the American population is currently experiencing rapid, above-average rates of temperature increase, with 499 counties already breaching 1.5C (2.7F) of heating, a Guardian review of climate data shows.

The US as a whole has heated up over the past century due to the release of planet-warming gases from burning fossil fuels, and swathes of the US west, northeast and upper midwest – representing more than 124.6 million people – have recorded soaring increases since federal government temperature records began in 1895.

Though the climate crisis is convulsing the US, it is doing so unevenly. Hotspots of extreme warming have emerged in many of America’s largest cities, and places as diverse as California’s balmy coast to the previously frigid northern reaches of Minnesota, while other places, particularly in the south, have barely seen their temperatures budge."

Oliver Milman reports for the Guardian with graphics by Andrew Witherspoon February 5, 2022.

Source: Guardian, 02/07/2022