WH Moves To Make All Federally Funded Research Public For Free By 2026

"The White House put forth a policy guidance Thursday requiring all federally funded research to be made available to the public for free upon publication by 2026.

“All members of the American public should be able to take part in every part of the scientific enterprise—leading, participating in, accessing, and benefitting from taxpayer-funded scientific research,” the administration wrote in a statement.

A new memorandum from the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) seeks to make “all peer-reviewed scholarly publications authored or coauthored by individuals or institutions resulting from federally funded research” available without embargo or delay.

The move would end an optional 12-month publication embargo allowing journals to put work behind a yearlong paywall, which the administration says “has limited immediate equitable access” for Americans."

Julia Mueller reports for The Hill August 25, 2022.

Source: The Hill, 08/26/2022