"Aging Water Infrastructure ‘Nearing the End of Its Useful Life’"

"Even though a government report revealed that most experts foresee water shortages within the next decade, countless of gallons of water are currently wasted every day by an aging and inefficient infrastructure.

In its 2013 report card on America’s infrastructure, the American Society of Civil Engineers graded drinking water infrastructure and its 240,000 water main breaks a year as a 'D+.' In comparison, the group issued a higher grade to the often criticized bridge infrastructure at a 'C+.'

'We lose a lot of water in our aging water disruption infrastructure,' said Jared Bales, a chief water scientist for the U.S. Geological Survey, a federal research agency."

Robert Holly reports for the Midwest Center for Investigative Reporting June 23, 2014.

Source: MCIR, 06/25/2014