"Corruption Watchdogs Have a Hot New Blogger: Jack Abramoff"

"Holy Indian reservation roulette wheels Batman! The newly launched Republic Report, an anti-corruption blog focusing on how self-interested dollars are warping the public-interest responsibilities of America's democratic institutions has actually hired convicted felon Jack Abramoff to be one of its lead bloggers."

"Yes, that Jack Abramoff, 'Casino Jack', as profiled in the Alex Gibney film, Casino Jack and the United States of Money.

The Republic Report may be 'pulling a Joe Kennedy' here -- and I think it's provocative, bold, will attract a huge heaping pile of hate mail -- but nonetheless brings in DC's version of The Fantastic Mr. Fox to tell the world how the system works and what to watch out for."

Steve Clemons reports for The Atlantic February 3, 2012.

Source: Atlantic, 02/07/2012