"Pollution Fears Cloud Approval of Kennecott Expansion"

"Expanding Kennecott’s open-pit mine wouldn’t create enough air pollution to stop the copper giant from burrowing deeper into the Oquirrh Mountains.

So ruled the Utah Air Quality Board in giving Kennecott Utah Copper a critical go-ahead Wednesday to enlarge its mine on the western edge of Salt Lake County — despite objections from anti-pollution advocates and a warning from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that the expansion may not be approved.

The vote — which outraged onlookers toting signs proclaiming, 'Breathing clean air is the birthright of every child' and 'This is the place for more harmful chemicals' — was hardly unanimous. The board split 5-4.

Some panelists who voted no considered the decision 'premature.'"

Jeremiah Stettler reports for the Salt Lake Tribune May 5, 2011.

Source: Salt Lake Tribune, 05/06/2011