"Survival of California Condors Hangs on Lead Ban, Study Says"

"The California condor, rescued from extinction in an elaborate and expensive recovery effort, has become tantamount to a zoo animal in the wild and can't survive on its own without a ban on lead ammunition across its vast western ranges, a scientific study has concluded.

The majestic scavengers, bred in captivity and released to nature in recent decades, require 'constant and costly human assistance,' a blue-ribbon panel of the American Ornithologists' Union reported this week.

They must be frequently trapped, tested and treated for lead poisoning. They depend on man-made 'feeding stations,' a buffet of lead-free carcasses of rats, deer, stillborn calves and other animals, a practice that has damaged their ability to forage."

Margot Roosevelt reports for the Los Angeles Times August 9, 2008.

Source: Los Angeles Times, 08/09/2008