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The Burlington conference, October 25-29, was co-hosted by the University of Vermont in Burlington and Vermont Law School in South Burlington. Day tours included nine field trips over water, mountains and national borders. We heard about how business is going green, and why it's so hard to find out what the government is doing with the environment. Leading print and broadcast reporters offered tips on how to make the climate story come alive. Attendees savored a slow-food feast followed by a fast-foot dance to the tunes of Tammy Fletcher and her band. Pointers from leading nature writers polished off the program. For a complete rundown of events, have a look at the agenda.
Winners of SEJ's fifth annual Awards for Reporting on the Environment were announced. This year's Stolberg Award went to Dale Willman, who in nine years as a member has proven himself indispensable with the variety of volunteer tasks he has performed at the organization's annual meetings.
Read all the conference coverage, including photos, audio and video files, and stories by University of Missouri attendees. In addition, unofficial and independent blogs such as Amy Gahran's SEJ2006 and Jim Bruggers' Watchdog Earth offer views, opinions, podcasts, video clips, photos and much more.
You can also view the speaker bios and see who the exhibitors and independent hospitality reception hosts were.
Conference host / co-chair: University of Vermont and Vermont Law School / Nancy Bazilchuk
Photo: Animal tracker Susan Morse, of Keeping Track, speaks to SEJ members in a tract of recently-cut family forest land in Richmond, VT on the Thursday tour, "Keeping a Patchwork Forest from Unravelling." Photo courtesy Peter Thomson.