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"FDA Nears Approval of Genetically Engineered Salmon"

"They may not be the 500-pound 'Frankenfish' that some researchers were talking about 10 years ago, but a Massachusetts company says it's on the verge of receiving federal approval to market a quick-growing Atlantic salmon that's been genetically modified with help from a Pacific Chinook salmon."

Source: McClatchy, 07/12/2010

"Despite Obama's Lofty Words, Scientific Integrity Rules Are Lagging"

"Last March, President Obama promised he'd have a strategy for restoring scientific integrity to the federal government on hand by July 29. A full year later, federal agencies still have not received any new directives and some government scientists say that conditions have not improved noticeably since Obama took power."

Source: Huffington Post, 07/12/2010

"Residents, Environmentalists Take on Steel Mill"

"Last March, President Obama promised he'd have a strategy for restoring scientific integrity to the federal government on hand by July 29. A full year later, federal agencies still have not received any new directives and some government scientists say that conditions have not improved noticeably since Obama took power."

Source: Baltimore Sun, 07/12/2010

"Analysis Triples U.S. Plutonium Waste Figures"

"The amount of plutonium buried at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation in Washington State is nearly three times what the federal government previously reported, a new analysis indicates, suggesting that a cleanup to protect future generations will be far more challenging than planners had assumed."

Source: NYTimes, 07/12/2010

"Political Landmark For BPA Ban"

"When a [California] bill to ban a common plastic additive in feeding products for young children passed the Assembly on July 1, it marked a milestone in state legislative efforts to regulate bisphenol A."

Source: Contra Costa Times, 07/12/2010

"Joke: How Many D.O.E. Workers Does It Take to ..."

"The incandescent light bulb’s days are numbered. Under federal law, the 100-watt bulbs are supposed to be taken off the shelf next year, followed later by the more common 40- and 60-watt models. But guess who’s still using them? The Department of Energy."

Source: NYTimes, 07/09/2010

"EPA Declares L.A. River 'Traditional Navigable Waters'"

"U.S. EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson on Wednesday declared the entire concrete-lined Los Angeles River channel 'traditional navigable waters,' a designation crucial to applying Clean Water Act protections throughout its 834-square-mile urban watershed."

Source: LA Times, 07/09/2010
