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Boulder, CO 1991

SEJ's 1st Annual Conference: Sessions on using computers to analyze environmental data; reporting risk; the society's first elections.

Ann Arbor, MI 1992

SEJ's 2nd Annual Conference: The auto industry; Lois Gibbs of the Citizens Clearinghouse for Hazardous Waste; environmental beat veterans talk about their experiences.

Durham, NC 1993

SEJ's 3rd Annual Conference: Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt; White House Office of Environmental Policy director Katy McGinty; a plenary on "backlash" reporting.

Utah 1994

SEJ's 4th Annual Conference: Writers William Least Heat Moon and Terry Tempest Williams; Energy Secretary Hazel O'Leary; EPA Administrator Carol Browner.

Boston, MA 1995

SEJ's 5th Annual Conference, hosted by MIT's Knight Science Journalism program: Vice President Al Gore addresses the conference; naturalist E.O. Wilson; authors Richard Rhodes and Jonathan Weiner.

St. Louis, MO 1996

SEJ's 6th Annual Conference: The environment in the 104th Congress; and the doomsayers square off against the naysayers in a lunchtime plenary.

Tucson, AZ 1997

SEJ's 7th Annual Conference: The border environment; four years after NAFTA; an address by Stewart Udall; Biosphere II; and remembering Edward Abbey.

Chattanooga, TN 1998

SEJ's 8th Annual Conference: A smokestack city cleans itself up; revisiting the snail darter saga; addresses by Ted Turner and Sylvia Earle.

Los Angeles, CA 1999

SEJ's 9th Annual Conference: Urban sprawl; Hollywood, the press and the environment, with panelists Ted Danson, Ed Begley Jr., and Keely Shaye Smith; keynote address by David Brower; and a Sunday morning talk by Barry Lopez, author of Arctic Dreams.
