"3 More Arrests in Oregon as Protest Leader Says ‘Go Home’"

"PRINCETON, Ore. — The armed occupation of a wildlife refuge in eastern Oregon, which flashed into violent confrontation with law enforcement on Tuesday when eight members of the group were arrested and one was killed, appeared to be unraveling on Wednesday night when the jailed leader of the siege advised his followers to go home.

Several hours later, the police announced that they had arrested three more protesters. Over two days, 11 members of the group that has occupied the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge have been arrested.

For weeks, the occupation barely felt like a siege at all: The antigovernment militants came and went as they pleased, driving down snow-packed highways to attend community meetings and even going out for dinner. With little sign that law enforcement was about to move beyond surveillance, the occupation of the refuge became more theater than threat."

Dave Seminara, Julie Turkewitz, and Kirk Johnson report for the New York Times January 27, 2016.

Source: NY Times, 01/28/2016