"Interior: 80% Of D.C. Staffers Could Leave BLM"

"The vast majority of staffers at the Bureau of Land Management's Washington, D.C., headquarters do not intend to move out West as part of a planned reorganization, according to multiple sources.

As many as 80% of the 159 BLM staffers in D.C. who are being moved to the new headquarters in Grand Junction, Colo., or to other state offices from Alaska to Arizona, plan to reject the reassignment orders and either retire or find another job at the Interior Department or other agency in Washington, the sources told E&E News.

BLM handed out formal relocation notices to almost all of the 159 employees on Nov. 12, giving them 30 days to decide whether to move to the bureau's new headquarters and other state offices (Greenwire, Nov. 13).

That means the 30-day deadline for most ends today."

Scott Streater reports for Greenwire December 12, 2019.

Source: Greenwire, 12/13/2019