"Pope Francis to UN: Climate Key to Sustainable Development"

"Pope Francis told world leaders on Friday that in order to address poverty, hunger, war and inequality, they must first tackle climate change.

'A selfish and boundless thirst for power and material prosperity leads both to the misuse of available natural resources and to the exclusion of the weak and disadvantaged,' Pope Francis told the 70th General Assembly of the United Nations in a speech on Friday.

The Pope said there exists a fundamental right of the environment. 'Any harm done to the environment, therefore, is harm done to humanity,' he said."

Katherine Bagley reports for InsideClimate News September 25, 2015.


"Before The World's Most Powerful, Pope Delivers Environmental Message" (NPR)

"Text of Pope Francis’ Address To The United Nations" (McClatchy)

"Pope Francis Pushes 'True Right of the Environment' At UN " (The Hill)

Source: InsideClimate News, 09/28/2015