"Regulator Waffles on Bisphenol A"

"Eight days after chemical industry lobbyists met with Obama administration officials, federal regulators delayed action on including bisphenol A in a new effort to better regulate dangerous chemicals.

The move is drawing suspicion, considering how the head of the Environmental Protection Agency had been talking tough in one speech after another last fall about the need to protect the public from such chemicals, particularly BPA.

But when the agency's list came out Dec. 30, identifying four chemicals that would face stricter labeling and reporting requirements, BPA was not among them.

While other agencies and governmental bodies are moving to restrict BPA's use because of concerns about its links to health problems, including cancer, the EPA now says it won't develop a tougher regulatory plan for the chemical for at least two years.

Critics say the Dec. 22 meeting might have been why BPA was dropped from the top of the agency's list."

Meg Kissinger reports for the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel with Susanne Rust February 14, 2010.

Source: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 02/15/2010