"TransCanada Pipeline Foes Allege Bias in U.S. E-Mails"

"With the Obama administration about to decide whether to green-light a controversial pipeline to take crude oil from Canada’s oil sands to the United States Gulf Coast, e-mails released Monday paint a picture of a sometimes warm and collaborative relationship between lobbyists for the company building the billion-dollar pipeline and officials in the State Department, the agency that has final say over the pipeline."

"Environmental groups said the e-mails were disturbing and evidence of 'complicity' between TransCanada, the pipeline company, and American officials tasked with evaluating the pipeline’s environmental impact.

The e-mails, the second batch to be released in response to a Freedom of Information Act request filed by the environmental group Friends of the Earth, show a senior State Department official at the United States Embassy in Ottawa procuring invitations to Fourth of July parties for TransCanada officials, sharing information with the company about Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s meetings and cheering on TransCanada in its quest to gain approval of the giant pipeline, which could carry 700,000 barrels a day."

Elisabeth Rosenthal reports for the New York Times October 3, 2011.


"Emails Reveal Close Ties Between TransCanada Lobbyist and State Dept." (Mother Jones)

Source: NY Times, 10/03/2011