"AP Fact Check: Trump And An Eco Legacy Not His Own"

"WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump and his aides this past week celebrated an environmental legacy that is not theirs to claim.

In large measure, the progress they cited pre-dates Trump’s presidency. And in some of the particulars, they were wrong. For example, the air is not cleaner under Trump.

The tendency to seek credit for things achieved by others or not achieved at all spread to other areas of federal policy. Trump’s veterans affairs chief cited improvements in waiting times and quality of care at VA health centers as examples of the good job he’s doing leading the department, despite the fact that the progress came before he took the position. The president repeated his familiar boast that more people than ever before are working, ignoring the main reason for that — there are more people than ever before."

Calvin Woodward, Hope Yen and Seth Borenstein report for the Associated Press July 13, 2019.


"Peter Dykstra: Trump’s Midsummer Night’s Hallucination" (EHN)

"Trump the Environmentalist?" (InsideClimate News)

"Fact Check: Trump's Environmental Rhetoric Versus His Record" (Politico)

Source: AP, 07/15/2019