Congress Clears Bill To Reduce Lead Content in Drinking Water

"Congress on Friday sent President Barack Obama a bill that would significantly reduce exposures to lead in drinking water.

Lead contamination can pose serious health risks, particularly to pregnant women and children. It has been linked to health problems such as kidney disease, hypertension, reduced IQs in children, and brain damage.

The House approved the bill on a 226-109 vote. The Senate approved it earlier on a voice vote.

The bill would set federal standards for levels of permissible lead in plumbing fixtures that carry drinking water, with allowable lead content going from the current federal level of as much as 8 percent to 0.25 percent. It limits the amount of lead that can leach from plumbing into drinking water."

Jim Abrams reports for the Associated Press December 17, 2010.

Source: AP, 12/23/2010