"Long Island's 254 Superfund Sites Threaten Its Drinking Water"

"Long Island's sole source of drinking water lies beneath many of the most contaminated places in New York State."

"Landfills, aerospace manufacturing, industrial operations and dry cleaners have dumped or leaked heavy metals, volatile organic chemicals and inorganic materials onto soil and into groundwater, threatening water supplies for the Island's nearly 3 million residents.

Nassau County tops the list of New York counties for the number of Superfund sites -- hazardous waste locations overseen by the state as well as others managed by the federal Environmental Protection Agency -- with 145. Suffolk County, with a total of 109 Superfund locations, has the third-highest number of state sites and is second to Nassau in the number of federal designations."

Emily C. Dooley reports for Long Island Newsday September 23, 2013.

Source: LI Newsday, 09/24/2013